CRUK City of London Centre Patient and Public Involvement and Engagement Funding Scheme
The CRUK City of London Centre Patient and Public Involvement and Engagement (PPIE) funding is a competitive scheme. The remit of the funding is to support activities and projects on involvement and engagement with people affected by cancer as well as the public.
Applicants must be staff (including principal investigators, postdoctoral researchers, technical staff, and professional services) or PhD students associated with the City of London Centre from the partner institutions (QMUL, KCL, UCL and the Crick). You do not need to be funded by the Centre to apply.
There are two categories of funding: maximum £1,000 for an activity or £10,000 for a project. The application criteria and reporting requirements for the two categories are outlined in the funding guidance. All applications will be assessed by the City of London Centre PPIE committee and will be judged against the application criteria outlined in the guidance.
Before beginning to fill in the application form applicants are strongly encouraged to read the Funding Guidance, which sets out in detail on the funding scheme. You can download the Guidance here and the application form here. You can find the past funded applications here.