Adult Cancer Researchers2022-07-25T12:40:43+00:00

Adult Cancer Researchers

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There are currently 49 names in this directory beginning with the letter S.
Saeed Shoaie

Sally Barrington

Sam Behjati

Sam Janes

Sam Rodriques

Samantha Quaife

Samantha Terry

Samra Turajlic

Samuel Marguerat

Sandra Strauss

Sandy Macrobert

Sara Ghorashian

Sarah Gulliford

Sarah McClelland

Sarah Pinder

Sean Whittaker
KCL | GMC lead |

Sebastian Ourselin

Sergey Krysov

Sergio Quezada
UCL Programme Chair | | 0207 679 0743

Shahram Kordasti

Sharon Tooze

Sheeba Irshad

Shibani Nicum

Shonit Punwani

Sibylle Mittnacht

Silvia Marino

Simon Ameer-Beg

Simon Boulton

Simon Chowdhury

Simon Hughes

Simon Jolly
UCL | | 020 7679 3423

Simon Pitchford

Simon Poland

Simon Walker-Samuel
UCL | | 020 7679 6329

Simona Parrinello

Simone Zaccaria

Sophia Karagiannis

Sophie Acton

Sophie Papa
KCL | CRUK Centre Theme Lead |

Sophie Postel Vinay

Stephan Beck

Stephanie Kermorgant

Stephen Duffy

Stephen West

Steve Halligan

Stuart Jones

Stuart McDonald

Sue Hadjur

Susana Godinho