Winners image competition 20242024-05-14T11:11:30+00:00

CRUK City of London Centre 2024 Image Competition Winners

Many thanks to everyone who submitted their images to the CRUK City of London competition and congratulations to the winning entries.

First prize

Mabel Baxter Dalrymple

King’s College London

Knot Actin As You Know It

Actin is a structural protein present in all cells and assembles dynamic structures to make up the cell ‘skeleton’. Forcing a mutant actin into the nucleus (blue) of a cancer cell produces intricate knot-like structures (magenta, grey, green), altering cell behaviour and contributing to cancer cell survival and invasion.

Joint second prize

Panoraia Kotantaki

Barts Cancer Institute/QMUL

Breaking the barriers, unleashing anti-tumour troops in the metastatic niche

Adipocytes (yellow) reclaim their space in mouse omentum; they were displaced by metastatic ovarian tumour cells (red) that generated a hard-to-treat fibrotic fortress (orange). A novel, chemotherapy-based therapeutic scheme, mobilizes immune troops (magenta, light green, cyan) to kill the tumour cells. In green, myofibroblasts, cell nuclei in blue.

Joint second prize

Irina Titkova

Barts Cancer Institute/QMUL

After 3pm on Friday

As the glow of the microscope’s light envelops the dimly lit laboratory, scientist Caroline stands at the forefront of discovery; eyes fixed intently on the microscopic world before her. Each moment beneath the microscope reveals unseen complexities, pushing us toward breakthroughs in the fight against cancer.

Joint third prize

Sarah Duncan

Barts Cancer Institute/QMUL

Extracellular matrix deposition in a pancreatic cancer spheroid

This is a 3D co-culture model containing pancreatic cancer cells and pancreatic stellate cells, it is being used to investigate how extracellular matrix deposition changes in response to different pancreatic stellate cell activators. Fibronectin shown in yellow and nuclei of pancreatic cancer cells and pancreatic stellate cells in blue.

Joint third prize

Florian Laforets

Barts Cancer Institute/QMUL

Live immunes cells attacking cancer cells in a human tumour

Immune cells, lymphocytes (pink) and macrophages (green), attempting to reach cancer cells (red) are impeded in their movements by fibres of fibronectin (blue) in a live metastatic tissue slice, from a freshly resected patient tumour. Video snapshot where movements of immune cells can be observed withing the live tumour microenvironment.